
A full registration is required for each paper to be included in the preprints and the program

Conference fees

Early registration fees
(before April 1st)
(before April 11th)
Late registration
Full registration 550 € 650 €
Student registration
(student card required)
350 € 450 €


Addtionnal Banquet ticket 150 € 150 €
Extra-pages 50 € (1 page) 50 € (1 page)
  100 € (2 pages) 100 € (2 pages)

Full and student registration fees include conferences, preprints, lunches, coffee breaks, banquet and a pass for public transport, from 14th to 16th May.

To process to registration, follow this link :
This link will permit to pay by credit card, bank transfer or French “Bon de commande”.

Important Dates
Submission of special sessions:
October 31th, 2013

Paper submission:
November 8th, 2013, December 8, 2013

Notification of acceptance:
February 13th, 2014, February 20th, 2014

Final version: Mars 13th, Mars 20th, 2014

Date of Workshop: 14-16 May, 2014


LURPA, ENS de Cachan
61, avenue du Président Wilson
F-94235 Cachan Cedex, France

For inquiries, email to conference secretariat at: