Call for papers

Download the Call for papers !

Aims and scope

The interdisciplinary field of Discrete Event Systems (DES) combines different formalisms, methodologies and tools from control, computer science and operations research. The research activity in this field is driven by the needs of many different applications domains: manufacturing, process control, supervisory systems, software engineering, transportation, and so on. Discrete Event Systems is now a mature field and many interesting applications have been developed. This 12th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems will be hosted at ENS Cachan, France. It aims to provide researchers from different fields (control theoreticians and control engineers, software engineers and computer scientists, operations research specialists) with an opportunity to exchange information and new ideas, and to discuss new developments in the field of DES theory and applications.


The workshop will cover all topics related to Discrete Event Systems theory and applications, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Formalisms and modeling methodologies: Petri nets, automata, statecharts, process algebras, max-plus algebra, queuing networks…
  • Control of discrete-event systems with emphasis on supervisory control and on real time control
  • Performance evaluation, optimization and scheduling
  • Diagnosis, fault detection, test, identification
  • Discrete approaches for hybrid systems
  • Applications including manufacturing systems, transportation systems, power production, distributed systems, software engineering, home automation, workflow, protocols, telecommunication systems, biological systems…
  • Automation methods and software tools enabling efficient handling of industrial-sized systems
  • Computer tools for DES modeling, synthesis, analysis…

Paper Submission and Publication

Prospective participants are invited to electronically submit full papers of their work following the instructions on the website. Conference proceedings will be published online on the IFAC-PapersOnline website and will receive an ISBN number and the ISSN number of series. The presented papers will be further screened for possible publications in IFAC Journals.

Contributions must be not published or submitted to other conferences/journals before or parallel to this workshop. They should clearly state the problem being addressed, the goal of the work and the results achieved.


Important Dates
Submission of special sessions:
October 31th, 2013

Paper submission:
November 8th, 2013, December 8, 2013

Notification of acceptance:
February 13th, 2014, February 20th, 2014

Final version: Mars 13th, Mars 20th, 2014

Date of Workshop: 14-16 May, 2014


LURPA, ENS de Cachan
61, avenue du Président Wilson
F-94235 Cachan Cedex, France

For inquiries, email to conference secretariat at:

Best student paper
Nomination for best student paper are closed.

In order to recognize important works developed by young people, a best paper award will be granted to a MS or PhD student who signs the paper as the first author and presents the paper during the workshop. The student must have this status at the moment of submission; after the paper has been uploaded it should be explicitly declared that it is presented to this award by sending a email to