
Submission of final version of accepted papers before April 18, 2008.

Submission site

WODES Program Committee invites you to submit full manuscripts (8 pages max) and session proposals before Jan. 25, 2008. All papers submitted for review and publication after acceptance must be delivered electronically in PDF format and formatted in the standard 2-column IEEE format. Accepted papers will be limited to six (6) pages in the proceedings unless an overlength fee is paid (50 Euro per page).

All papers submitted for review and publication after acceptance must be delivered electronically in PDF format and formatted in the standard 2-column IEEE format and must pass the IEEE PDF-compliance test on the conference submission system.

Technical support for preparing IEEE compliant articles.

The accepted papers will be published electronically by IEEE Explorer, and therefore the copyright will be held by IEEE.

Questions or problems? Please send email to support@wodes2008.org.