Call for Papers

Authors are invited to submit papers and proposals for special sessions by January 18, 2008 January 25, 2008.


The workshop will cover all topics in discrete event theory and applications, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Formalisms and modeling methodologies: Petri nets, state automata, statecharts, process algebras, max/plus-algebra...
  • Control of discrete-event systems with emphasis on supervisory control and on real time control
  • Performance evaluation, diagnosis, optimization, implementation and scheduling
  • Discrete approaches of hybrid, reactive and embedded systems
  • Applications including manufacturing systems, transportation systems, process control, distributed systems, software engineering, office automation, protocols...
  • Emerging applications in telecommunication systems and related fields: performance evaluation, on-line control...
  • Software tools enabling efficient handling of industrial-sized systems.


All papers submitted for review and publication after acceptance must be delivered electronically in PDF format and formatted in the standard 2-column IEEE format. Accepted papers will be limited to six (6) pages in the proceedings unless an overlength fee is paid.

The accepted papers will be published electronically by IEEE Explorer, and therefore the copyright will be held by IEEE.

Submission Procedure

Please go to "Submission" for submission procedure.