Scope and topics
Call for contributions
Important dates
Invited speakers
Time Schedule
Wednesday 22 September 2004
Thursday 23 September 2004
Friday 24 September 2004
IFAC copyright policy
Venue and travel information
Social events and post-conference tour
Final program

Friday 24 September 2004

Download the  PDF file of the program.


Invited Lecture: Stefan Kowalewski, Discrete control systems for cars – quality is more than correct function


Coffee break


Parallel Sessions

Control Synthesis

F. Wenck, J. H. Richter. A composition oriented perspective on controllability of large scale DES

R. Malik. On the set of certain conflicts of a given language

S. Riedweg, S. Pinchinat. Maximally permissive controllers in all contexts

K. Schmidt, J. Reger, T. Moor. Hierarchical control for structural decentralized DES

Verification and Design of Logic controllers

E. Dumitrescu, A. Girault, E. Rutten. Validating fault-tolerant behaviors of synchronous system specifications by discrete controller synthesis

M. Bonfè, C. Fantuzzi. On the suitability of object-oriented models for industrial logic controllers

N. Ben Hadj-Alouane, S. Lafrance, F. Lin, J. Mullins, M. Yeddes. Discrete event systems approach to the verification of the information flow properties in secure protocols

J.-M. Roussel, J.-M. Faure. Designing dependable logic controllers using algebraic specifications




Invited Lecture: Alessandro Giua and Carla Seatzu. A systems theory view of Petri nets


Parallel Sessions

Analysis and Verification of Hybrid Systems

A. Hélias, F. Guerrin, J.-P. Steyer. Abstraction of continuous system trajectories into timed automata

J. Kapinski, K. Schmidt, B. H. Krogh. Reachability analysis using proximity based automata

A. Chutinan, Z. Han, B.H. Krogh. ACTL strong negation and its application to hybrid system verification

Diagnosis of DES (2)

O. Contant, S. Lafortune, D. Teneketzis. Diagnosis of modular discrete event systems

R. K. Boel, G. Jiroveanu. Distributed contextual diagnosis for very large systems

J. Lunze. Complexity reduction in state observation of stochastic automata


Closing Session

WODES'04 - Jun. 30, 2004