Scope and topics
Call for contributions
Important dates
Invited speakers
Time Schedule
Wednesday 22 September 2004
Thursday 23 September 2004
Friday 24 September 2004
IFAC copyright policy
Venue and travel information
Social events and post-conference tour
Final program

Thursday 23 September 2004

Download the  PDF file of the program.


Parallel Sessions

Control of Hybrid Systems

M. Boccadoro, M. Egerstedt, Y. Wardi. Optimal control of switching surfaces in hybrid dynamic systems

G. Lichtenberg, J. Neidig. Discrete event control of a pinball machine

Y. Pang, M.P. Spathopoulos. On weighted time-optimal control for linear hybrid automata using quantifier elimination

Diagnosis of DES (1)

W. Qiu, R. Kumar. Decentralized failure diagnosis of discrete event systems

A. Correcher, E. García, F. Morant, E. Quiles. Intermittent failure diagnosis based on discrete event models

R. Su, W.M. Wonham. Hierarchical distributed diagnosis under global consistency


Coffee break


Parallel Sessions

Supervisory Control: Theory and Applications (2)
    Invited session, organized by Toshimitsu Ushio and Naly Rakoto

M. Adachi, T. Ushio, Y. Ukawa. Bisimulation based design of user-interface for discrete event systems

A. B. Leal, J. E. R. Cury. Modular supervision of hybrid systems: a DES approach

M. H. de Queiroz, J. E. R. Cury, W. M. Wonham. Multi-tasking supervisory control of discrete-event systems

B. Gaudin, H. Marchand. Modular supervisory control of a class of concurrent discrete event systems

Scheduling and Optimization

R. Chiovelli, F. Martinelli, P. Valigi. Optimal control for a class of manufacturing systems with production rate dependent failure rates

B. Gaujal, E. Hyon, A. Jean-Marie. Optimal routing in two parallel queues

S. Panek, O. Stursberg, S. Engell. Job-shop scheduling by combining reachability analysis with linear programming

D. Giglio, R. Minciardi. A dynamic programming-based technique for multi-class job scheduling on a single machine




Parallel Sessions

Theory and Applications of Colored Petri Nets
    Invited session, organized by Carla Seatzu and Maria Pia Fanti

M. Dotoli, M. P. Fanti. An urban traffic network model via coloured timed Petri nets

F. Basile, C. Carbone, P. Chiacchio. PNetLab: A tool for the simulation, analysis and control of discrete event systems based on Petri nets

S. Baarir, S. Haddad, J.M. Ilié. Exploiting partial symmetries in well-formed nets for the reachability and the linear time model checking problems

L. Capra, M. De Pierro, G. Franceschinis. An application example of symbolic calculus for SWN structural relations

B. Zouari, K. Ghedira. Synthesis of controllers using coloured Petri nets and theory of regions

Performance Evaluation and Optimization

F. J. Vázquez-Abad, B. Heidergott. Gradient estimation for a problem in public transportation: A comparison of SPA, SF and MVD

C. Panayiotou, C. G. Cassandras. Infinitesimal perturbation analysis for make-to-stock manufacturing systems based on stochastic fluid models

S. Haddad, L. Mokdad, P. Moreaux. Performance evaluation of non Markovian stochastic discrete event systems – a new approach

M. Nourelfath, A. Khatab. Ant colony optimization for multi-state series-parallel system expansion-scheduling

S. Reveliotis, J. Young Choi. The thinning problem


Poster session (and coffee break)

S. Evangelista, S. Haddad, J.F. Pradat-Peyre. New couloured reductions for software validation

A. Giua, C. Seatzu. Monitor design for colored Petri nets with uncontrollable and unobservable transitions

S. Hamaci, J.-L. Boimond, S. Lahaye, M. Mostefaoui. On the linearizability of discrete timed event graphs with multipliers using (min,+) algebra

S. Pailler, A. Choquet-Geniet. Off-line scheduling of real time applications with variable duration tasks

S. E. Merzouk, O. Grunder, M. El Bagdouri. A branch & bound procedure to optimize loading sequences of a simple supply chain under aperiodic demand

M. Stanica, H. Guéguen. Using timed automata for the verification of IEC 61499 applications

M. Sayed Mouchaweh, A. Philippot, S. Triki, B. Riera. Separated approach for active monitoring of discrete event systems

A. Philippot, A. Tajer, F. Gellot, V. Carré-Ménétrier. On-line synthesis approach based on a structured plant modeling

E. W. Endsley, D. M. Tilbury. Modular finite state machines for logic control

Y. Gong, L. Holloway. Applying automated control synthesis methods to condition systems requiring state observers

D. Li, E. Mayer, J. Raisch. A novel hierarchical control architecture for a class of discrete-event systems

D. Corona, A. Giua, C. Seatzu. State estimation and control of nondeterministic l-free labeled Petri nets

R. Su, W.M. Wonham. A model of component consistency in distributed diagnosis

B. Gebremichael, T. Krilavicius, Y. S. Usenko. A formal analysis of a car periphery supervison System

V. Jovan, B. Hauptman. An approach to on-line batch sequencing

V. Schastai, E. A. Lima, L. A. Künzle. Sequence analysis for time Petri nets

L. Aguirre-Salas, O. Begovich, A. Ramirez-Treviño. Sensor assignment for observability in interpreted Petri nets

C. Munteanu, R. David, H. Alla. Algorithmic speed calculation for a timed continuous Petri net

A. Vahidi, M. Fabian, B. Lennartson. Early termination by local string in incremental language containment tests

H. Boucheneb, R. Hadjidj. Towards optimal CTL* model checking of time Petri nets

M. Miskowicz. Bandwidth requirements for event-driven observations of continuous-time variable


End of Poster Session


Banquet at Pommery Champagne-House

WODES'04 - Jun. 30, 2004