Scope and topics
Call for contributions
Important dates
Invited speakers
IFAC copyright policy
Venue and travel information
Social events and post-conference tour
Call for contributions

Paper submission

Authors are invited to submit draft papers to the workshop secretariat by 31 January 2004. Electronic submission (PS, PDF or Word file) sent by e-mail is encouraged. If electronic submission is really impossible, 4 hard copies should be sent to the secretariat.

To be included in preprints and proceedings, papers are limited to 6 pages and have to confirm to IFAC instructions which can be found at the following address:

http://www.elsevier.com/homepage/saf/ifac/site/IPV overview.htm

Special sessions

Proposals for special sessions on particular aspects of discrete-event systems are invited. A special session should consist of 4 to 6 papers in the format described for individual contributions and a one-page abstract summarising the aim and content of the session. This abstract should contain: a title for the session, the name and full address of the session organizer, a list of keywords and the list of the papers included. Survey papers at the beginning of special sessions are encouraged. They can replace two regular contributions.


Download the  PDF file of the call for papers.

WODES'04 - Nov. 5, 2003