Workshop Series on Discrete Event Systems

Aims and scope

The interdisciplinary field of Discrete Event Systems (DES) combines different formalisms, methodologies and tools from control, computer science and operations research. The research activity in this field is driven by the needs of many different applications domains: manufacturing, process control, supervisory systems, software engineering, transportation, and so on. Discrete Event Systems is now a mature field and many interesting applications have been developed.

The Workshop Series on Discrete Event Systems started in 1992 and has been held every two years. It aims to provide researchers from different fields (control theoreticians and control engineers, software engineers and computer scientists, operations research specialists) with an opportunity to exchange information and new ideas, and to discuss new developments in the field of DES theory and application.

The workshop covers all topics in discrete event theory and applications, including (but not limited to) the following:

Next edition

Past editions

WODES 30th anniversary

The first Workshop on Discrete Event Systems was organized in Prague on Aug 26-28, 1992. On September 7, 2022 a ceremony was held at WODES 2022 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the series.

Steering Committee

Past Steering Committee Members

Useful links

Address: http://alessandro-giua.it/WODES/

Page administrator: Alessandro Giua (giua@unica.it)

Last update: September 2022.