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International Federation of Automatic Control


2nd IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems

Alghero, Sardinia, Italy – June 7-9, 2006


Dip. di Ingegneria

Elettrica ed Elettronica





Università di Cagliari


With the support of:


Comune di Alghero















Final program









Organized by

The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Cagliari, Italy


IFAC Sponsors

·         Technical Committee on Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems (TC 1.3) – Main Sponsor

·         Technical Committee on Control Design (TC 2.1)

·         Technical Committee on Manufacturing Plant Control (TC 5.1)

·         Technical Committee on Fault Detection, Supervision & Safety of Technical Processes (TC 6.4)


National Organizing Committee

Chair:                    C. Seatzu (IT)

Members:               M.P. Cabasino (IT), D. Corona (IT), N. Orani (IT),

                   A. Pisano (IT), E. Usai (IT)


International Program Committee

Chairs:                   C. G. Cassandras (US), A. Giua (IT), J. Zaytoon (FR)

Industrial co-chair:  A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli (US)


H. Alla (FR)
P. Antsaklis (US)
A. Bemporad (IT)
A. Bicchi (IT)
F. Blanchini (IT)
R. Boel (BE)
J. Buisson (FR)
P. Caines (CA)
E.F. Camacho (ES)
P. Colaneri (IT)
J. Daafouz (FR)
J. Davoren (AU)
R. DeCarlo (US)
I. Demongodin (FR)
M.D. Di Benedetto (IT)
M. di Bernardo (IT)
M. Egerstedt (US)
S. Engell (DE)
A. Ferrara (IT)
G. Ferrari Trecate (FR)

L. Ferrarini (IT)

J.L. Ferrier (FR)
H. Guéguen (FR)
M. Heemels (NL)
T. Henzinger (US)
J. Imura (JP)
C. Iung (FR)
S. Kowalewski (DE)
V. Krebs (DE)
V. Lakshmikantham (US)  

B. Lennartson (SE)
J.J. Lesage (FR)
J. Lunze (DE)
J. Lygeros (GR)
P. E. Miyagi (BR)
T. Moor (DE)
M. Morari (CH)
G. Morel (FR)
P.J. Mosterman (US)

G. Pappas (US)

J.C. Pascal (FR)

T. Parisini (IT)
M. Prandini (IT)
J. Raisch (DE)
N. Rakoto (FR)
A. Rantzer (SE)
C. Seatzu (IT)
M.P. Spathopoulos (UK)
O. Stursberg (DE)
Z. Sun (IE)
T. Suzuki (JP)
E. Usai (IT)
F. Vaandrager (NL)
C. Valentin (FR)
D.A. van Beek (NL)
A.J. van der Schaft (NL)
J.H. Van Schuppen (NL)
T. Villa (IT)
O. von Stryk (DE)
Y. Wardi (US)


Additional referees


A. Abate

A. Alessio

L. Benvenuti

J.-L. Boimond

P. Caravani

B. Castanier

E. De Santis

B. De Schutter

S. Di Cairano

S. Di Gennaro

A. Diamantopoulou

B. Djeridane

L. Doyen

S. Druhle

J. Duchoňová

A. D'Innocenzo

D. Fontanelli

S. Geist

N. Giorgetti

A. Girard


L. Greco

D. Gromov

A.A. Julius

A. Juloski

J. Kierzenka

J. Komenda

M. Lazar

S. Leirens

D. Li

S. Paoletti

P. Pepe

M. Petreczky

Ph. Planchon

V. Prabhu

M. Remelhe

A. Schild

K. Wulff

R. Zemouri

F. Zhang