4th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems

August 26-28, 1998 Cagliari ITALY

Aims and scope:
DES has developed to be an interdisciplinary field of shared interest, methodologies and applications between control and computer science. The research activity in this field was primarily motivated by the needs of different domains: manufacturing, supervisory systems, transportation, software engineering, and so on. DES is now a mature field and many interesting applications have been developed.

The workshop will aim to bring together researchers from different sciences (control theoreticians, software engineers, computer scientists) in order to exchange information and ideas and discuss new developments in the field. It is envisaged that areas of interaction will be further explored and common applications will be considered with focus on design, techniques and implementation for the new era of technology.

The Workshop will focus on the control of DES (with emphasis on real time control), computer science (with emphasis on hybrid systems, timed systems, Petri nets, process algebras, software verification and design) and applications (with emphasis on manufacturing systems and software engineering).