4th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems

August 26-28, 1998 - Cagliari ITALY

Preparation of camera-ready papers

Your manuscript should begin with a full title, followed by the names of the authors. Please indicate affiliation, address, and e-mail for each author. Please also indicate between 3 and 5 keywords. We strongly recommend that you have your manuscript type-set using the two-column option.

A LaTeX-style file ieeconf.sty is available through anonymous ftp from bode.diee.unica.it in the directory /pub/wodes98 or on the web at the address http://bode.diee.unica.it/~wodes98/ieeconf.sty.

The camera-ready originals should be prepared using A4-size paper and will not be reduced in size for the proceedings. Please use ten-point type size.

Camera-ready REGULAR papers should be limited to 6 proceedings pages.
Camera-ready SHORT papers should be limited to 3 proceedings pages.

Copyright clearance
Please return your paper together with the copyright clearance (enclosed with the final program) duly filled and signed.

One original and one copy of your manuscript should be send to IEE directly at the address below. Be sure, your manuscript is received by IEE before July 10, 1998. Consider using express mail, if you deem it necessary. Only hard copies can be accepted: manuscripts sent by e-mail will not be taken into consideration.

Some general requirements for camera-ready papers for non-LaTeX users:

A sample paper in postscript format WODES.ps is available through anonymous ftp from bode.diee.unica.it in the directory /pub/wodes98 or on the web at the address http://bode.diee.unica.it/~wodes98/WODES.ps.