Cycle 36 (2020-23)
- Riccardo Collu. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Development of sensory feedback systems: devices and strategies, 2024.
- Ernesto Fontes Pupo. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Multiuser Diversity Management for Multicast/Broadcast Services in 5G and Beyond Networks, 2024.
- Claudia Macciò. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). Dielectric Characterization of Food Materials Through Microwave Devices, 2024.
- Elena Marongiu. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering).Innovative Configurations of Flexible, Wearable and Reconfigurable Antennas for the Smart Electromagnetic Environment, 2024.
- Antonello Mascia. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Development and Characterization of highly flexible and conformable electronic devices for wearable applications, 2024.
- Lucia Pintor. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Advancements in Wi-Fi-Based Passenger Counting and Crowd Monitoring: Techniques and Applications, 2024.
- Francesco Ratto. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Design methodologies and architectures for application-specific coarse-grain reconfigurable accelerators, 2024.
Cycle 35 (2019-22)
- Paola Busia. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Optimizing Neural Networks for Embedded Edge-Processing Platforms, 2023.
- Roberto Casula. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). The Art of Fingerprint Spoofing, 2023.
- Gianluca Leone. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Integrating Biological and Artificial Neural Networks Processing on FPGAs, 2023.
- Francesca Marcello. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Sensors and Wearable-based activity recognition and behaviour analysis for Users' quality of life improvement, 2023.
- Lorena Mariani. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). Traceability in complex food systems, 2024.
- Claudio Marche. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Trustworthiness Management in the Internet of Things, 2023.
- Marco Micheletto. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Fusion of fingerprint presentation attacks detection and matching: a simulated approach from the LivDet perspective, 2023.
- Roberto Puddu. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Quality of Experience network and service management on new generation Broadband Satellite Communications , 2022.
- Angelo Sotgiu. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Evaluating Adversarial Robustness of Detection-based Defenses against Adversarial Examples, 2023.
Cycle 34 (2018-21)
- Daniele Battaglia. ING-IND/32 (Power Electronics). Modelling and Application of Battery Energy Storage Systems in Electric Vehicle Charge, 2022.
- Fabrizio Cara. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Analysis and Concealment of Malware in an Adversarial Environment, 2022.
- Marco Carreras. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Acceleration of Artificial Neural Networks at the Edge: Adapting Flexibly to Emerging Devices and Models, 2022.
- Matteo Bruno Lodi. ING-INF/02 (Campi Elettromagnetici). RF Modeling, Design, Characterization and Biomedical Applications of Magnetic Scaffolds, 2022.
- Maura Pintor. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Towards Debugging and Improving Adversarial Robustness Evaluation, 2022.
- Zohreh Al Zahra Sanai Dashti. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Coordination of Open Multi-Agent Systems, 2022.
- Matteo Antonio Scrugli. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Adaptive Cognitive Sensor Nodes for the Internet of Medical Things, 2022.
- Marco Uras. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Data Analysis for monitoring and understanding people mobility in Smart Cities, 2022.
- Chao Gao. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). State Estimation of Timed Discrete Event Systems and Its Applications, 2023. Co-tutorship with Xidian University, Xi'an, China.
- Chao Gu. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Behavioral Property Analysis and Supervisory Control of Petri Nets
Using Semi-Structural Approaches, 2022. Co-tutorship with Xidian University, Xi'an, China.
- Lan Hao. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Verification and application of detectability based on Petri nets, 2021. Co-tutorship with Southwest Jiaotong University,
Chengdu, China.
- Yihui Hu. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Design of supervisors for active diagnosis in discrete event systems, 2021. Co-tutorship with Xidian University, Xi'an, China.
Cycle 33 (2017-20)
- Davide Aguiari. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Exploring Computing Continuum in IoT Systems: Sensing, Communicating and Processing at the Network Edge, 2021.
- You Dan. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Supervisory Control and Analysis of Partially-observed Discrete Event Systems, 2021.
- Rita Delussu. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Human Centered Computer Vision Techniques for Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems, 2021.
- Diego Deplano. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Coordination of multi-agent systems: stability via nonlinear Perron-Frobenius theory and consensus for desynchronization and dynamic estimation, 2021.
- Marco Melis. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Explaining vulnerability of Machine Learning to adversarial attacks, 2021.
- Giulia Orrù. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Template update algorithms and their application to face recognition systems in the deep learning era, 2021.
- Simone Porcu. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Estimation of the QoE for video streaming services based on facial expressions and gaze direction, 2021.
- Michele Scalas. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Malware Analysis and Detection with Explainable Machine Learning, 2021.
- Stefano Sonedda. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Integrated Electronics for Molecular Biosensing, 2021.
- Qi Zhang. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Cybersecurity in discrete event systems: from state estimation to supervisory control., 2022. Co-tutorship with Xidian University, Xi'an, China.
Cycle 32 (2016-19)
- Nicola Curreli. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). 2D Material-Based Electromagnetic Devices, 2020.
- Cristina Desogus. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Models and methods for network selection and balancing in heterogeneous scenarios, 2020.
- Andrea Floris. ING-IND/32 (Power Electronics). Design of Systems and Components for High-Speed Electric Propulsion Systems, 2020.
- Elisavet Grigoriou. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Models and methods for network selection and balancing in heterogeneous scenarios, 2020.
- Michele Scarlato. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Quality of Service improvements for real time multimedia applica-tions using next generation network architectures and blockchain in Internet Service Provider cooperative scenario, 2020.
- Luca Schirru. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). Upgrading the Sardinia Radio Telescope for Space Objects Observation and Tracking, 2020.
- Eleonora Sulas. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Development of a novel Dataset and Tools for non-invasive Fetal Electrocardiography research, 2020.
Cycle 31 (2015-18)
- Arslan Ahmad. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Collaborative service management and monitoring by OTT and ISP collaboration, 2019.
- Alessandro Cargangiu. ING INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Combining declarative models and computer vision recognition algorithms for stroke gestures, 2019.
- Sergio Casu. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). Innovative ISM and Diagnostic application of Microwaves, 2019.
- Tiziana Fanni. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Power and Energy Management in Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Systems: methodologies, automation and assessments, 2019.
- Simona Ibba. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Agile methodologies and blockchain development, 2019.
- Lana Dalawe Jalal. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Quality of experience models and methods for multisensorial media, 2019.
- Saman Korjani. ING-IND/32 (Power Electronics). Planning and management of Energy Storage in Microgrids according to Complex network approach, 2019.
- Giacomo Muntoni. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). Space debris observation with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, 2019.
- Andrea Salimbeni. ING-IND/32 (Power Electronics). Development of an integrated battery management system for improving power quality in microgrids, 2019.
- Simone Zanda. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Manpower planning optimization in three different real world areas: container terminals, hospitals and retail stores, 2019.
Cycle 30 (2014-17)
- Muhammad Ahmed. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). The role of Diversity in the design of Multiple Classifiers Systems, 2018.
- Graziana Cavone. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Advanced modeling, management, and control of intermodal terminals and railway networks, 2018.
- Ambra Demontis. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Securing Machine Learning against Adversarial Attacks, 2018.
- Giuseppe Fois. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Design & Control of High-Speed PMSM, 2018.
- Sefidgari Bahram Lavi. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Fast person re-identification techniques for intelligent videosurveillance, 2018.
- Andrea Pinna. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Blockchain technology: analysis and applications, 2018.
- Ziyue Ma. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Controller Design for Supervisory Control in Petri Nets, 2016. Co-tutorship with Xidian University, Xi'an, China.
- Yin Tong. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Observation Structures and Opacity Problems in Discrete Event Systems., 2017. Co-tutorship with Xidian University, Xi'an, China.
Cycle 29 (2013-16)
- Mansour Ahmadi. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Modeling Neglected Functions of Android Applications to Effectively Detect Malware, 2017.
- Matteo Anedda. ING-INF/03 (Communications). QoS optimization for multimedia delivery content over heterogeneous wireless networks, 2017.
- Alessandro Floris. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Quality of Experience: modelling and application scenarios, 2017.
- Roberto Girau. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Architectural and Application Solutions for the Cloud Internet of Things, 2017.
- Matteo Mallus. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Clacsoon: carpooling in urban areas, 2017.
- Giulia Marcello. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Laser diodes and their reliability. Physical models and experimental validation, 2017.
- Francesca Murgia. ING-INF/03 (Communications). 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction from Plenoptic Images - A low computational complexity method for the generation of real objects in a digital 3D space, 2017.
- Simone Porru. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Achieving Quality through Software Maintenance and Evolution: on the role of Agile Methodologies and Open Source Software, 2017.
- Paolo Russu. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Secure Machine Learning against Evasion and Poisoning Attacks, 2017.
- Marco Stocchi. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Inference Engines for Streaming Datasets, 2017.
Cycle 28 (2012-15)
- Mohammad Rezai Farmani. ING-IND/32 (Power Electronics). Clustering Analysis using Swarm Intelligence, 2016.
- Silvia Macis. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Conception, Design and Evaluation of an ICT Platform for Independent Living and Remote Health Monitoring, 2016.
- Davide Maiorca. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Design and Implementation of Robust Systems for Secure Malware Detection, 2016.
- Martina Matta. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). The predictor impact of web search and social media, 2016.
- Claudia Musio. ING-IND/32 (Power Electronics). Management Strategies of Electric Vehicles and Concentrator Photovoltaic System for Microgrids, 2016.
- Maura Musio. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Management and Modelling of Battery Storage Systems in Microgrids and Virtual Power Plants, 2016.
- Matteo Orrù. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Study of metrics and pratices for for improving object oriented software quality, 2016.
- Federico Pala. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Re-Identification and Semantic Retrieval of Pedestrians in Video Surveillance Scenarios, 2016.
- Carlo Sau. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Dataflow Based Design Suite for the Development and Management of Multi-Functional Reconfigurable Systems, 2016.
- Marco Simone. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). Optimization of Microwave Devices, 2016.
Cycle 27 (2011-14)
- Amir Mohammad Amiri. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). An Intelligent Diagnostic System for Screening Newborns, 2015.
- Lorenzo Bisoni. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). An Implantable Micro-System for Neural Prosthesis Control and Sensory Feedback Restoration in Amputees, 2015.
- Giulia Casula. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Non-volatile organic memory devices: from design to applications, 2015.
- Giuseppe Colistra. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Task Allocation in the Internet of Things, 2015.
- Matteo Demuru. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Characteristics of functional brain networks in healthy subjects and patients with Epilepsy, Diabetes, or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis during a resting-state paradigm, 2015.
- Alessia Dessì. ING-INF/06 (Bioingegneria). Algorithms and Systems for Home Telemonitoring in Biomedical Applications, 2015.
- Luca Ghiani. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Textural Features for Fingerprint Liveness Detection, 2015.
- Adelaide Ladu. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). Design of Microwave subsystems for radio astronomical receivers, 2015.
- Lucio Mascolo. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). Polarimetric SAR for the monitoring of agricultural crops, 2015.
- Andrea Melis. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Wideband Digital Instrumentation for the Italian Radio Telescopes, 2015.
- Claudia Musu. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Wearable sensors networks for safety applications in industrial scenarios, 2015.
- Marco Ortu. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Mining Software Repositories: Measuring Effectiveness and Affectiveness in Software Systems, 2015.
- Piergiorgio Palla. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Information Management and Multivariate Analysis Techniques for Metabolomics Data, 2015.
- Marco Pau. ING-INF/07 (Electrical and electronic measurements). State Estimation in Electrical Distribution System, 2015.
- Mario Porru. ING-IND/32 (Power Electronics). Management and Control of Energy Storage Systems for Stationary and Automotive Applications, 2015.
- Emanuele Tamponi. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Dataset Analysis for Classifier Ensemble Enhancement, 2015.
- Giuseppe Valente. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). Development, design and realization of the cryogenic radio receivers of the Sardinia Radio Telescope, 2015.
- Mehran Zareh Eshghdoust. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Consensus stability in multi-agent systems with time delay and switching, 2015.
Cycle 26 (2010-13)
- Nicola Carta. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Acquisition Systems and Decoding Algorithms of Peripheral Neural Signals for Prosthetic Applications, 2014.
- Paolo Castello. ING-INF/07 (Electrical and electronic measurements). Algorithms for the synchrophasor measurement in steady-state and dynamic conditions, 2014.
- Andrea Congiu. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Novel Load Identification Techniques and a Steady State Self-Tuning Prototype for Switching Mode Power Supplies, 2014.
- Stefano Lai. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Charge-Modulated Field-Effect Transistor: Technologies and Applications for Biochemical Sensing, 2014.
- Alberto Loi. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Inkjet printing: technique and applications for organic electronic devices, 2014.
- Emanuele Manca. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Grid and High Performance Computing Applied to Bioinformatics, 2014.
- Paolo Maxia. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). Printed Log-Periodic Feeds for Radar Applications, 2014.
- Alessio Meloni. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Advanced Random Access techniques for satellite communications, 2014.
- Michele Nitti. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Managing the Internet of Things based on its social structure, 2014.
- Andrea Pinna. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Simulation and identification of gene regulatory networks, 2014.
- Daniele Rosa. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Graph methods in Multi Agent Systems coordination and social networks analysis, 2014.
- Mariella Sole. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Communication technologies and data processing for safety, 2014.
Cycle 25 (2009-12)
- Luisanna Cocco. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Complex system simulation: agent-based modeling and system dynamics, 2013.
- EriKa Corona. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Web Framework Points: an Effort Estimation Methodology for Web Application Development, 2013.
- Tiziana Dessì. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Picture processing for enhancement and recognition, 2013.
- Giuseppe Destefanis. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Assessing sofware quality by micro patterns detection, 2013.
- Mauro Fadda. ING-INF/03 (Communications). On the Feasibility of the Communications in the TVWS - Spectrum Analysis and Coexistence Issue, 2013.
- Marco Alberto Javarone. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Models and Frameworks for Studying Social Behaviors, 2013.
- Maria Ilaria Lunesu. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Process software simulation model of Lean-Kanban Approach, 2013.
- Filippo Eros Pani. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Knowledge management: the issue of multimedia contents, 2013.
- Virginia Pilloni. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Dynamic Deployment of Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks, 2013.
- Sebastiano Pomata. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Combining FPGA prototyping and high-level simulation approaches for Design Space Exploration of MPSoCs, 2013.
- Riccardo Satta. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Dissimilarity-based people re-identification and search for intelligent video surveillance, 2013.
- Giuseppe Tuveri. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Combining FPGA prototyping and high-level simulation approaches for Design Space Exploration of MPSoCs, 2013.
- Marco Pocci. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Test and diagnosis of discrete event systems using Petri nets, 2013. Co-tutorship with Aix-Marseille University, France.
Cycle 24 (2008-11)
- Laura Basirico. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Inkjet Printing of Organic Transistor Devices, 2012.
- Giovanni Branca. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Architectures and Technologies for Quality of Service Provisioning in Next Generation Networks, 2012.
- Caterina Carboni. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Electronic Bidirectional Interfaces to the Peripheral Nervous System for Prosthetic Applications, 2012.
- Monia Demelas. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Chemo and biodetection in liquid with organic transistor, 2012.
- Massimiliano Dibitonto. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). New Challenges in HCI: Ambient Intelligence for Human Performance Improvement, 2012.
- Alessandro Giuliani. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Studying, Developing, and Experimenting Contextual Advertising Systems, 2012.
- Nima Hatami. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Some Proposals for Combining Ensemble Classifiers, 2012.
- Marco Lixia. ING-INF/07 (Electrical and electronic measurements). IEEE 1588 Synchronization in Distributed Measurement Systems for Electric Power Networks, 2012.
- Zahid Akhtar MominShabber Ahmad. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Security of Multimodal Biometric Systems Against Spoof Attacks, 2012.
- Roberto Tonelli. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Power Laws in Software Systems, 2012.
Cycle 23 (2007-10)
- Alessandro Fanti. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). A Generalized Finite Difference Approach to the Computation of Modes, 2011.
- Mauro Franceschelli. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Consensus algorithms for estimation and discrete averaging in networked control systems, 2011.
- José Antonio Iglesias Guitian. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Real-time GPU-accelerated Out-of-core Rendering and Light Field Visualization for Improved Massive Volume Understanding, 2011.
- Bernardo Alfonso Leal Perdomo. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Modeling and Performance Evaluation of MANET Handover, 2011.
- Filippo Giuseppe Ledda. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Protein secondary structure prediction: novel methods and software architectures, 2011.
- Giorgio Mattana. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Realisation and Characterisation of Organic Electronic Devices for E-textiles applications, 2011.
- Alessandro Murgia. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Time evolution and distribution analysis of software bugs from a complex network perspective, 2011.
- Luca Piras. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Interactive search techniques for content-based retrieval from archives of images, 2011.
- Bernardetta Saba. ING-INF/03 (Communications). JPEG XR scalable coding for remote image browsing applications, 2011.
- Simone Secchi. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Simulating Complex Multi-core Computing Systems: Techniques and Tools, 2011.
Cycle 22 (2006-09)
- Andrea Addis. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering).. Study and Development of Novel Techniques for Hierarchical Text Categorization, 2010.
- Davide Ariu. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Host and Network based Anomaly Detectors for HTTP Attacks, 2010.
- Battista Biggio. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Adversarial Classification, 2010.
- Fabrizio Boi. ING-INF/03 (Communications). QoS-based Playout Control in IP Telephony over NGNs, 2010.
- Massimo Camplani. ING-IND/31 (Electrical Engineering). Data Analysis Techniques for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, 2010.
- Igino Corona. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Detection of Web-based Attacks, 2010.
- Biagio Freni. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Template Editing and Replacement: novel methods for Biometric Template Selection and Update, 2010.
- Mario Franco Locci. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Agile Methodologies and Tools for implementing and testing X-Agent Based Macroeconomic models, 2010.
- Francesco Mascia. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Models for Partitioning the Domain in the field of Mixture of Experts, 2010.
- Nicola Orani. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Higher Order Sliding Mode Techniques for Fault Diagnosis, 2010.
- Francesca Palumbo. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Communication-Centric Approach to Multi-Processors System on Chip Design: Interconnection Networks Design and Evaluation, 2010.
- Guido Porruvecchio. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Open Source Communities Structure and Communication Patterns: a Social Network Approach, 2010.
- Ajita Rattani. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Adaptive Biometric System based on Template Update Procedures, 2010.
- Mohammad Hejri. ING-INF/04 (Automatica). Hybrid Modeling and Control of Power Electronics Converters, 2010. Co-tutorship with Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Cycle 21 (2005-08)
- Paolo Anedda. ING-INF/03 (Communications). A SOA based approach to the Next Generation Networks management, 2009.
- Gianmarco Angius. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Electronic devices and systems for monitoring of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases., 2009.
- Maria Paola Cabasino. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Diagnosis and Identification of discrete event systems using Petri nets, 2009.
- Francesco Casu. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering) . The small baseline subset technique: performance assessment and new developments for surface deformation analysis of very extended areas., 2009.
- Sabrina Ecca. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Modeling and Simulation of Economic Systems Using Software Engineering Techniques, 2009.
- Simone Locci. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Modeling of physical and electrical characteristics of organic thin film transistors., 2009.
- Michele Manunta. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). New advances in multi-temporal differential sar interferometry for full resolutin data analysis, 2009.
- Marco Monni. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). New design methodologies for microwave oscillators based on negative impedances. Study and development of the solution space concept, 2009.
- Valeria Orani. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Wavelet Spectrum Sensing and Transmission System (WS-SaT-Sytem) based on WPDM, 2009.
Cycle 20 (2004-07)
- Giovanni Busonera. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Studio e implementazione di strumenti per lo svipuppo software nei sistemi basati su FPGA, 2008.
- Romolo Camplani. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Conception, Analysis, Design and Realization of a Smart Vision Sensor and its Analog Building Blocks, 2008.
- Maria Teresa Carta. ING-INF/03(Communications). Conception, Analysis, Design and Realization of a Smart Vision Sensor and its Analog Building Blocks, 2008.
- Pietro Coli. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Conception, Analysis, Design and Realization of a Smart Vision Sensor and its Analog Building Blocks, 2008.
- Paolo Meloni. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Design and optimization techniques for VLSI network on chip architectures, 2008.
- Tatiana Onali. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Conception, Analysis, Design and Realization of a Smart Vision Sensor and its Analog Building Blocks, 2008.
- Emanuele Orgiu. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Organic thin-film transistors: an investigation of device properties, applications and market perspectives, 2008.
- Giampaolo Serra. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). Una soluzione alternativa al problema della ricostruzione olografica della superficie delle antenne a riflettore d dati in far-field o in near-field, 2008.
- Roberto Tronci. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Conception, Analysis, Design and Realization of a Smart Vision Sensor and its Analog Building Blocks, 2008.
- Selene Uras. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Conception, Analysis, Design and Realization of a Smart Vision Sensor and its Analog Building Blocks, 2008.
Cycle 19 (2003-06)
- Gian Nicola Angotzi. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Conception, Analysis, Design and Realization of a Smart Vision Sensor and its Analog Building Blocks. Year: 2007.
- Alessandra Cau. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Evaluation Framework for Free/Libre Open Source Software. Year: 2007.
- Piero Cosseddu. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Correlation between interface-dependent properties and electrical performances in OFETs. Year: 2007.[pdf]
- Attilio Gambardella. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). Oil spill detection by means of synthetic aperture radar. Year: 2007.
- Andrea Manconi. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Studio e Sperimentazione di Algoritmi e Infrastrutture per la Bioinformatica. Year: 2007.
- Ileana Manunza. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Organic Field-Effect Devices for detecting chemical and physical parameters. Year: 2007. [pdf]
- Gianni Mereu. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Conception, analysis, design and realization of a multisocket network on chip architecture and of the binary translation support for a VLIW core targeted to system on chip. Year: 2007. [pdf]
- Andra Morelli. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Affidabilita` di laser sintonizzabili di tipo innovativo per applicazioni in sistemi di telecomunicazione. Year: 2007.[pdf]
- Roberto Perdisci. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Statistical Pattern Recognition Techniques for Intrusion Detection in Computer Networks. Challenges and Solutions. Year: 2007. [pdf]
- Ignazio Pillai. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). High Reliability Text Categorisation Systems. Year: 2007.
- Ruggero Pintus. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Advances in photometric stereo. Year: 2007. [pdf]
- Barbara Podda. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Texture Analysis for Computed Tomography Images Characterization. Year: 2007.
- Massimiliano Saba. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Studio e Sperimentazione di Tecniche di Apprendimento Automatico finalizzate alla Risoluzione di Problemi Complessi in Ambito Bioinformatico. Year: 2007.
- Alessio Setzu. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). A Framework for Financial Markets Modeling and Simulation. Year: 2007. [pdf]
- Giulio Soro. ING-INF/03 (Communications). A study on interpolation of images and video sequences using a new approach of fractal theory. Year: 2007. [pdf]
- Ivana Turnu. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Power-Laws and Fractal Dimension in Object-Oriented Software Systems. Year: 2007.
Cycle 18 (2002-05)
- Nicola Aste. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Traffic Modeling and performance management in data networks . Year: 2006. [pdf]
- Giancarlo Cherchi. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Experimenting Abstraction Techniques to manage Complexity in Agent Systems and Planning . Year: 2006. [pdf]
- Luisa Deias. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). Frequency Selective Surfaces: analysis, characterization and applications . Year: 2006.
- Antonio Manca. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Analysis for network scenario optimization under data uncertainty: algorithms, computer codes and case studies . Year: 2006. [pdf]
- Marco Melis. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). A Software Process Simulation Model of Extreme Programming . Year: 2006. [pdf]
- Francesca Mighela. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Remote Scanning Electron Microscopy . Year: 2006. [pdf]
- Mauro Morana. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Field Effect Investigations of Bipolar Charge Transport in Polymer-Fullerene bulk-heterojunctions for photovoltaic applications. Year: 2007.
- Danilo Pani. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Conception, design and evaluation of novel digital VLSI architectures for computation intensive parallel processing Year: 2006.
- Luca Sanna Randaccio. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Resources optimization in multimedia communications . Year: 2006. [pdf]
- Alessandra Serrau. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Structural and graph-based methods for automatic fingerprint classification. Year: 2006.[pdf]
Cycle 17 (2001-04)
- Daniele Corona. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Optimal Control of Linear Affine Hybrid Automata. Year: 2005. [pdf]
- Luca Didaci. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Dynamic Classifier Selection. Year: 2005.
- Giaime Ginesu. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Volumetric Data Processing and Compression. Year: 2005.[pdf]
- Mauro Isola. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Real Time Telecommunication Network Modeling and Strategies for Simulation Speed up. Year: 2005.
- Mirko Lobina. ING-INF/03 (Communications). VoIP Streaming Over Packet-Based Networks. Year: 2005.[pdf]
- Gianmaria Mancosu. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Studio e sperimentazione di architetture basate su esperimenti multipli per la risoluzione di problemi complessi in ambito biologico. Year: 2005.
- Francesco Massidda. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Video Segmentation and Visual Quality Assessment. Year: 2005.
- Alessandro Orro. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Studio e sperimentazione di metodologie innovative per l’analisi di sequenze biologiche. Year: 2005. [pdf]
- Sandro Pinna. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Metodologie agili per la produzione del software . Year: 2005.
- Nicola Serra. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Power Laws in Object Oriented System Architectures. Year: 2005.[pdf]
Cycle 16 (2000-03)
- Giovanni Andrea Casula. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). Studio delle slot di accoppiamento in guida d'onda ed in microstriscia. Year: 2004. [pdf]
- Emilio Ghiani. ING-INF/07 (Electrical and Electronic Measurements). Metodi numerici per la valutazione dell’incertezza nelle misure digitali. Year: 2005. [pdf]
- Gian Luca Marcialis. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Fusion of multiple classifiers for person recognition by fingerprints and faces. Year: 2004.
- Giovanna Mura. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Metodi diagnostici per la microelettronica. Problemi, soluzioni e applicazioni ai dispositivi avanzati. Year: 2004.
- Carlo Pitzianti. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). Il metodo degli elementi spettrali least square per il trattamento di problemi elettromagnetici. Year: 2004. [pdf]
- Simona Podda. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Sviluppo di nuove strategie per studi affidabilistici ed analisi diagnositche su componentistica elettronica e optoeletttronica a stato solido con tecniche di microscopia ordinaria e a scansione: Strumentazione, modellistica e applicazioni. Year: 2004.
- Alessio Raccis. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Year: 2004.
Cycle 15 (1999-02)
- Salvatore Carta. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Architetture VLSI per Elaborazione Dati ad Elevate Prestazioni. Year: 2003.
- Cristian Perra. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Video Segmentation for Multimedia Applications. Year: 2003.
- Michela Sunda. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). Year: 2003.
- Pietro Testoni. ING-IND/31 (Electrical Engineering). Implementation in the ANSYS finite element code of the electric vector potential T-\Omega, \Omega formulation. Year: 2003. [pdf]
- Eloisa Vargiu. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Modelli di computazione per lo sviluppo di sistemi software ad elevata flessibilità. Year: 2003. [pdf]
Cycle 14 (1998-01)
- Giorgio Fumera. ING-INF/05 (Computer Engineering). Advanced Methods for Pattern Recognition with the Reject Option. Year: 2002. [pdf]
- Enrico Marongiu. ING-IND/31 (Electrical Engineering). Neural Network Applications in Tokamaks. Year: 2002.
- Maurizio Murroni. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Wavelet Based Multimedia Communications. Year: 2002. [pdf]
Cycle 13 (1997-00)
- Marcella Ancis. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Adaptive wavelet algorithms for image analysis and communications. Year: 2001.
- Massimo Barbaro. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Conception, Development, Design and Realization of Analog Smart Vision Systems. Year: 2001.
- Silvio Bolliri. ING-INF/01 (Electronics). Circuiti Integrati Analogici a Bassa Dissipazione di Potenza. Year: 2001. [pdf]
- Giorgio Montisci. ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Engineering). Analisi Full-Wave di Slot e Discontinuità in Guida d'Onda. Year: 2001. [pdf]
- Alessandro Pisano. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Second order sliding modes: theory and applications. Year: 2001. [pdf]
Cycle 12 (1996-99)
- Luigi Atzori. ING-INF/03 (Communications). Post-processing and error control for high quality visual communications. Year: 2000.
- Barbara Cannas. ING-IND/31 (Electrical Engineering). Development of circuital and neural techniques for the processing of chaotic signals and systems. Year: 2000.
- Carla Seatzu. ING-INF/04 (Automatic Control). Decentralized control of open-channel hydraulic systems. Year: 2000.